NAPA News - Week 1, Term 2, 2024

Dear NAPA Families,

Welcome Back to Term 2!

First and foremost, I must say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kind words and support as I take over as the sole owner of NAPA. After being partners for 18 years it will certainly be a big change for me, but I know I am not alone, as the NAPA family has always been such a great support. I must thank our amazing staff who have been fabulous throughout the transition and of course to my partner in crime Lynn, who started as my teacher and then became my business partner and most importantly my friend. We have created an amazing space that I am so proud of and I can’t wait to continue our legacy. Big shout out to Laurie who has always been such an amazing part of NAPA. From building sets to working on admin to everything else in between. I know you will be missed by many! We are sending all our love to you both for retirement and can’t wait to see all your travel updates!

Another Farewell … but see you soon!

Our beloved Miss Greta has recently been granted an amazing opportunity to travel to the US for work over the next 6 months. This is such an awesome opportunity for her to gain new experience, learn from other industry professionals and grow as an educator. We are so happy for her, as this visa is only granted to those who are deemed exceptional in their field, something we already knew of course! 

While Greta is away, we have an amazing array of teachers covering her classes:

Advanced Acro tech, Level 1 and 3 Acro - Paige Arden (certified Acrolink teacher, trained by Norris Studios in New Zealand)

12's Dance Teams and Advanced tech - Mandy Morrison (current staff)

Broadway Kids, 6's, 8's and 10's Team and Advanced tech - Suzanne Lewis (current staff)

12's Acro Team, Level 2 and Mini Acro - Bella Janssen (current staff - Acrolink trained)

Good luck Miss Greta, we are so proud of you for showing our cherubs that you must always follow your dreams!

Congratulations Broadway Kids

We were absolutely blown away by the talent in this age group and had to hold several call-backs to get down to the final casting. We are so excited to see all of the children shine in this production. Seussical is a favourite of Miss Kim’s and one I’m sure the children will have a blast performing.

ANZAC Day - Public Holiday

Afternoon classes remain on for ANZAC DAY on Thursday, however there will be no College classes during the day. Lest We Forget.

Joffrey Ballet Summer School

We are so excited to announce that Courtney Sutherland and Kody Bolt have both secured scholarships to attend the prestigious Joffrey Summer School in New York. Kody has received a scholarship for the Hip Hop program and Courtney has received a scholarship for 3 different genres - Musical Theatre, Jazz/Contemporary and Hip Hop. What an amazing achievement! We are so excited to have you represent NAPA in New York City. Say hi to Miss Greta for us!

Congratulations Soloists

Our soloists continued to shine over the holidays at multiple competitions, including Starbound Entertainers Festival. The results are too many to list but we must give a special mention to the following students who were presented with these special awards.

Dakota Chanel - 12&U Champion and Most Outstanding All Rounder

Lacey Reeves - 12&U Winner of Winners - 1st place and Most Promising Technical Dancer

Alex Andrews - 8&U Winner of Winners - 1st place and Most Outstanding All Rounder

Mila Serfontein - 10&U Champion

Ella Shave - Open Vocal Champion and Most Outstanding Vocalist

Dream Creative Junior

It certainly was a busy holiday for some of our students! Kael, Kody and Mila all participated in the Dream Creative Junior program. From all reports they were absolute standouts during the performances and represented NAPA proudly!

From our P&F President - Nic Fogarty

Hello everyone! This is the first of what we hope will be a regular communication to update everyone on how the P&F are supporting NAPA on different projects etc. 

The P&F annual general meeting was held on Monday, 25 March followed by a productive P&F executive meeting held last Friday night.

Planning is underway for many projects and exciting initiatives this year that we hope can make a positive difference to the day to day experience for everyone involved at NAPA.

This year we have four projects we’re excited to be contributing to that will benefit the entire NAPA family. Those projects are:

  1. Signage (Building, street, carpark, dance room)

  2. Aircon (dance room)

  3. New small theatre tables

  4. Polished concrete outside theatre/in canteen area

Before we approach local businesses for quotes on any of the above projects, we’d like to invite any of our NAPA community who provide services on any of the above to submit a quote.

If you are interested in quoting or contributing to any of the above projects, please email me at

It goes without saying, these terrific initiatives are unable to be funded without your support. This year, there will be many fundraising opportunities starting with a Mother’s Day raffle that I will post more details about this afternoon. 

In addition to the projects and fundraising opportunities we are also quickly filling the social calendar and look forward to sharing more details soon about:

  1. Disco night at NAPA

  2. Movie night at NAPA

  3. Family Fun Day at NAPA

  4. NAPA excursion (details coming soon)

  5. NAPA trip to the theatre

We hope everyone is as motivated as much as we are to be able to contribute and support Miss Kim and the NAPA team make NAPA a positive and prestigious performing arts academy.

Check out the AMAZING prizes and don’t forget to pick up your raffle book

Have a great week everyone!
Kim and The NAPA Team

Production Dates


JULY 11-14





AUGUST 23-24

Dance Concert at HOTA

More dates including additional rehearsals will be announced and put onto our website calendar when confirmed.




NAPA News - Week 2, Term 2, 2024


NAPA News - Week 9, Term 1, 2024